In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where Liz Katz’s VR outfit would be censored even though she was clothed.In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where legacy POV would end and nothing would happen next.
In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where the player could break Compubrah’s code sequence if they went too fast. In the Original Story: Fixed multiple lines of dialogue text that did not match the voiced dialogue. In the Original Story: Fixed an issue where certain cutscenes would end and the story would not progress. In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where the player was not able to take the penguin after Liz Katz’s content is complete. In the Original Story: Updated hints and inspect text throughout the story to make things clearer for the player. In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where the player would be able to enter VR when in VR. In the Original Story: Fixed a bug with the air vent system in Madison’s house where vents would remain open even when they should be closed. In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where Liz Katz would get stuck in the laundry room and the story would not progress. In the Original Story: Fixed a bug that would occur when reviewing clues with Liz Katz, leading to incorrect progression. In the Original Story: Added a short new player-centric cutscene available after Liz Katz’s Drunk and Disorderly quest (Explicit version only). Fixed an issue that sometimes caused characters to float in the hot tub. Fixed an issue that caused Patrick’s notebook to be unreadable on lower graphic settings. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused underwear and bra sections of characters to disappear. In the Original Story: Fixed an issue where Liz Katz would comment on certain quests as if they were in progress, even if they were already failed. In the Original Story: Fixed a bug with Patrick not handling his Merlot correctly. In the Original Story: Fixed a bug that would occur during the laundry room portion of Liz Katz’s content if Madison and Ashley were both occupied. In the Original Story: Fixed multiple instances of written dialogue not matching the voiced dialogue.
In the Original Story: Adjusted requirements for opening Liz Katz’s trunk to give the player more freedom to pursue other content before continuing the story.
In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where the player could get into a fight with Liz Katz and become stuck in a dialogue loop. In the Original Story: Fixed an issue where characters would talk over themselves during Blackout. In the Original Story: Fixed multiple bugs related to the tentacles not behaving correctly. In the Original Story: Fixed a bug where players could become deadlocked when trying to open Liz Katz’s trunk and start Madison’s art show at the same time.